Welcoming 2025 with Gratitude and Community Impact - January Blog
Gum Moon’s staff and board members
As we step into 2025, Gum Moon remains committed to uplifting and supporting the most vulnerable members of our community.
Rooted in the heart of San Francisco Chinatown since the 1868, Gum Moon Women’s Residence has long served as a beacon of hope for Asian women and families facing barriers to equitable access to essential services. Together through the Asian Family Support Center, in the Richmond and the Sunset, we provide critical programs that address educational, social, health, emotional, and financial disparities.
None of this would be possible without the generosity of our donors and supporters. Your contributions, whether through donations, campaigns, or volunteer efforts, enable us to continue creating safe spaces where women can heal, thrive, and build brighter futures. This year, we look forward to sharing the many impactful events and initiatives that help strengthen our community.
From all of us at Gum Moon, we are over the moon with gratitude—thank you for being part of our mission!
January Events 一月的活動
January 14, 2025
Community Empowerment Training Workshop 社區安全知識訓練講座
In collaboration with CYC, AFSC Richmond hosted a community empowerment training workshop. Participants learned safety tips, including being aware of your surroundings, home security, and public transportation safety. Additionally, they talked about how to intervene as a bystander without compromising personal safety.
亞裔家庭互助中心列治文區 與 CYC 合作舉辦了社區安全知識訓練講座。參與者學習了安全提示,包括注意周圍環境、家庭安全和公共交通安全。此外,他們還討論在安全情況下如何作為旁觀者進行幹預而不損害人身安全。
January 18, 2025
Lunar New Year Parade 農曆新年遊行
The Lunar New Year Parade was an astonishing success with over 2,000 people visiting the booths, watching cultural performances and the lively parade. Children and families from our programs participated in the parade. Some of our children also performed a ribbon dance! It was made possible through the collaborations among many organizations including the Richmond Neighborhood Center, AFSC Richmond, Self-Help for the Elderly and CYC.
農曆新年遊行出色的成功,超過 2,000 名民眾參觀了攤位,觀看了文藝表演和熱鬧的遊行。來自我們項目的兒童和家庭參加了遊行。我們的一些孩子還表演了絲帶舞!這項透過許多組織之間合作的活動. 包括 Richmond Neighborhood Center、亞裔家庭互助中心列治文區、Self-Help for the Elderly 和 CYC 等。
January 21, 2025
Sesame Ball Cooking Workshop 芝麻球烹飪工作坊
To celebrate Lunar New Year, parents from our AWRC programs led a workshop to make sesame balls. It is a traditional Chinese dessert that is often eaten during Lunar New Year.
為了慶祝農曆新年,我們 AWRC (亞洲婦女服務中心)項目的家長們舉辦了一項製作芝麻球的工作坊。它是農曆新年期間常吃的一種傳統中國甜點。
January 22, 2025
Lunar New Year Gift Bags 賀年福袋
Gum Moon gave gift bags to celebrate Lunar New Year with families in our programs throughout all of our locations. Each gift bag consist of a treasure pot and dried goods.
Gum Moon (金門)為各分區項目中的家庭贈送福袋,慶祝農曆新年。每個福袋內有聚寶盆食物和乾貨。
January 28, 2025
Earthquake Preparedness Workshop 地震準備訓練講座
AFSC Richmond organized an earthquake preparedness workshop in collaboration with CYC. Participants learned about ways to prepare for earthquakes, important resources, and protecting yourself in the event of an earthquake.
AFSC 亞裔家庭互助中心列治文區與 CYC 合作舉辦了一項地震防備講座。參與者了解預防地震的方法、重要資源以及在地震發生時如何保護自己。
January 31, 2025
Lunar New Year Potluck at AFSC Richmond
亞裔家庭互助中心治文區 農曆新年聚餐
AFSC Richmond's PCI program had a potluck where each family brought food to celebrate Lunar New Year. We had a delicious feast of yummy food together.
亞裔家庭互助中心列治文區的 '兒童天地' 項目舉辦了聚餐活動,每個家庭都帶食物來慶祝農曆新年。我們一起享用美味可口的午餐聚會。
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