Lucy’s Story: Immigrating For A Better Life

In 2012, Lucy immigrated from Indonesia with her two-year-old son to be with her husband in the U.S. Her husband was determined to build a better life for their family. Lucy was reluctant to leave everyone and everything she knew behind, but made the move after her husband had settled into his job and found them a place to live.

Lucy felt very isolated in the U.S. and remembers being homesick. “I didn’t have any friends; I felt so desperate and lonely." Lucy was fortunate to meet a woman through her son’s preschool who told her about Gum Moon. “Her name was Mrs. Ho and she was a teacher at Gum Moon.”

"I joined a class for parents and infants. This was great because I was lonely and I could finally meet other parents who were also feeling isolated. I felt so welcomed at Gum Moon.

As my children got older, I also enrolled them in the toddler class. We all loved it. They had social time, learning to share toys and play games, sing songs and dance, create arts and crafts, their ABCs and numbers, and I got to meet more parents and really developed some lasting friendships. I also learned parenting skills in both classes which made parenting easier.

Gum Moon has also provided leadership and job opportunities for me. When my last daughter was still in the Toddler Class, Gloria invited me to become a parent leader and join the Parent Action Project. I help plan activities for the parents and their children to do together. Together with the other parent leaders, we have planned a Thanksgiving gathering, organized our own Olympic games, went on a field trip to Oakland Fairyland, and have taken trips to the library and park as well as hosted educational activities in the classroom. I feel so useful; I am doing something important, helping other parents.

Eventually, Gloria let me know that there was a teacher assistant job opening with Gum Moon and encouraged me to apply. I was hired in April and now I am a permanent staff member at Gum Moon! I work with Teacher Wu; I am her assistant in the afternoons for the Toddler Class. I help prepare the classroom and snacks for the students, and substitute on any days that the regular teacher is out.

I am so thankful for Gum Moon. I really didn’t know how I was going to manage. My husband works two jobs, I work too, and we have three kids. Thankfully Gum Moon has made it possible.
When I am at Gum Moon I feel so comfortable. Everyone here is so friendly and kind; I feel like it is my home…it is something special. They have helped me so much. I am so blessed.”

I hope you are inspired by Lucy’s story and the great long-term outcomes of our program. I invite you to please consider a donation so we can continue to offer these programs to families who need them in our community.


Continuing Our Work During COVID-19


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